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  • Heaven Collagen Drops Month Supply 15ml
  • Heaven Collagen Drops Month Supply 15ml

Heaven Collagen Drops Month Supply 15ml

Only 3 left in stock

Collagen is found in abundance in our skin when we’re younger but as we get older the amount diminishes – in fact, by the time we’re 50 we’ve already lost up to a third, and this can lead to a dry complexion and signs of ageing.


Heaven’s Collagen Drops help boost lost collagen, thanks to their high levels of marine collagen. They also contain super skin-boosting hyaluronic acid, and together this help promote healthy, shiny hair too and leave you looking – and feeling – fabulous. It’s the UK's most concentrated daily dose - a mighty 10,000mg of hydrolysed marine collagen


Can I add Collagen Drops to my face creams?

Yes, you can simply add a few drops to supercharge your favourite moisturiser or weekly mask


What makes Collagen Drops different?

They contain no additives – you may find the drinks or sachets you have been using in the past contain bulking agents, fillers or sucrose. Instead, they are made from a skin-boosting combination of high-intensity marine collage, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and a small amount of glucosamine that allow them to be accepted by the body quickly. There's also the addition of Biotin to help hair repair.


Can they be used externally and internally?

Collagen Drops are all about promoting inner and outer beauty; and their strength means you can squirt them directly into your mouth. You can add these natural super strength supplements to a drink or food; or you can also apply directly – either massaged into your skin, mixed with your shampoo and conditioner or a few drops into your everyday moisturiser.


Are they vegan?

No, because they contain a marine collagen they are not suitable for vegans.

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